It means to compose your beautiful fair isle pattern and then disect it with scissors straight up the middle -- EGADS! Was I ready to do that? Be brave and knit with all your heart! I kept chanting that mantra in my head -- took a few deep breaths, loaded the stiches on my needles, and knit. I took my time enjoying the fair isle design and watching it unfold under my quick, frantic fingers.
I'm a fast knitter, and the rounds of beautiful mauve and dark green hibiscus pattern quickly cascaded down my arms until I had what looked like a . . . . .large pillow case. It didn't resemble a sweater at all. The time had come -- all the patterning was done .. . I had put in the hours and "put in the knitting." It was time to CUT. I couldn't cut into it. Fall came and family birthdays so I knit birthday presents. Winter came so I knit stockings for Christmas.
All of a sudden it was 2011 -- be brave and knit with all your heart! I hate to have unfinished projects, and that beautiful Hibiscus pillow case was calling to me -- "cut me, cut me . . ."
When I'm not knitting, I'm playing with my cairn terriers. We go to dog shows. I make it a game to wear a beautiful knit sweater or shawl at the dog shows. That way, even if my dog doesn't win, I know that I have the most beautifully handknit article of clothing in the ring. In March I was flying to Alaska -- hoping to finish my little Ivy and get complete her championship. All of a sudden I pictured myself wearing the Hibiscus Cardigan in Ivy's championship photo. Could we do it? Could she win? Could I cut the steek and finish the sweater? Would I be wearing it to Alaska?
Be brave and knit -- something magical and wonderful may happen: It did!
I took my scissors and cut the middle of the cardigan -- something magical was born:
and something wonderful! Ivy obtained her championship in Alaska on March 26th!